About Jeffrey H. Pinotti D.C.
Trilingual reliable multi-tasker licensed Chiropractor doctor with extensive patient and chronic pain case management skills. Detailed oriented and experienced in rehabilitation and disability with hospital protocols with level II TXCC.
American Chiropractic Clinic – Chiropractor
Focused in Workers Compensation, personal injury and family chiropractic practice. Responsible for case management and patient care coordination. Referred to medical doctors for second opinion, and continued care.
Solutions Healthcare Clinic – Clinic Director/Coordinator/Chiropractor
Focused in personal injury with the Dept. of Labor.
Designed, coordinated, implemented protocols for Acute and Chronic pain programs.
Coordinated Medical, Chiropractic, and Ancillary Care for best patients care outcomes.
Vista Hospital/Center for Pain Control – Director of Chronic Pain Mgmt
- Coordinated and directed patient care in our CARF accredited Chronic Pain Program.
- Provided Chiropractic care, physical and sports medicine, rehabilitation, patient assessments and case management. Advance therapy and spinal decompression in an integrated clinic.
- Supervised exercise physiologists, as well as clerical and support staff, reporting directly to C.M. Schade, M.D., Ph.D.
- Developed reports for Ancillary duties include FCE, strategy and compliance issues involving CARF certification processes.
Texas Healthcare Systems – Consultant for Start-up of Clinic Pain Management & Rehabilitation Services
Established the clinic and its pain management services from its initial stage of development providing rnultidisciplinary programs for pain management, chronic pain and rehabilitation. Recruited and trained staff to be OSHA and TDH compliant.
Allied Pain Management – Consultant for Start-up of Chiropractic Practice
Established satellite clinics from the Tyler office to the cities of Longview and Henderson. Established protocols integrating Medical and Chiropractic care. Achieved growth of 80% in revenues in two months.
- Texas Chiropractic College, Chiropractor – Houston, Texas
- Old Dominium University, B.S. in Biology – Norfolk, Virginia
- Institute of Electromyography, Certification in Electro diagnostics – Houston, Texas
- Texas Chiropractic College, Impairment Rating/Disability Evaluation – Houston, Texas
- Chiropractic Board of Examiners, NBCE Board Certification – Houston, Texas
- Whole Persons Technology/TWCC, Certificate TWC Designated Doctor – Houston, Texas
- U.S. Naval Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, Certificate of Para medicine
- Speak, read, and write Portuguese, Spanish and English fluently.
- Proficient in Electronic Medical Records (ALLMEDS)
- Proficient in case management of Acute and Chronic Pain Management Programs
- Proficient: CARF certification, Centricity and FCE diagnostic testing.
- Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel
- Certified Instructor/Trainer for the ARC’S “Protect Your Back Program.