About Louis Varela M.D
A native Houstonian, physician, served in the U.s. Army as General Medical Officer, business owner, entrepreneur, married and father of four children.
1982-2017, annual continuing medical education courses and seminar.
1981-1981, Radiotherapy residency, University of Texas M.D, Anderson Hospital, Houston, Texas.
197-1980, Degree in Medicine, Creighton School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska.
Texas Medical Association, member – TMA; Harris County Medical Society, member – HCMS; Houston Medical Society, member- HMS;
Texas Ambulatory Surgical Center Society, medical trade association, co-founder lifetime board member- TASCS;
Patient Choice Coalition, medical trade association – PCCOT;
The Out of Network Alliance, president, medical trade association – TOONA; Knights of Columbus, member – KOC;
Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, member – KEOHSJ; Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation, Chairman of the Board of Directors – AFJSF;
Marian Servants of The Incarnate Wisdom, board member, a certified spiritual director in the Ignatian Spirituality Method.
English and Spanish
HOBBIES: Travel, fishing, grilling, and cooking.