We tend to think that all family doctors are practically the same; and that any differences that exist are so unimportant that it doesn’t matter whose clinic you end up going to. For certain areas of practice, yes, this may be the case. When you are in need of getting your blood taken, for instance – sure, it doesn’t really matter where you end up going. The services you will get at one clinic will be pretty similar to the services you will get at any other. They will take your blood and then ship it to another company that deals with analyzing it. Often times, two separate clinics end up sending your blood samples to the exact same company. So as far as the quality of the analysis goes, you’re pretty much getting the same thing.
But make no mistake about it – doctors are not fungible. You cannot replace one doctor or clinic with another and expect the same results all the time. There are certain areas of practice which some doctors have more speciality and understanding in than others, and this can make all of the difference.
When it comes to arthritis care, you will see that some doctors don’t even want to deal with the problem, and that is because they haven’t the slightest of clue how to. A quick google search can be very telling. If you search for the term family doctor Houston in Google, you will end up getting over eleven million results. But if you search for the term arthritis care houston, you get only a quarter of a million, less than three percent of the former. And this makes sense; clearly there are less arthritic are specialists than there are general doctors, and there are less general doctors who treat arthritis care than those who do. Because of this fact, it is vital that people do their own research online before visiting just about any clinic that comes to mind. Sometimes visiting a clinic that is further away saves time and money in the long run. It may seem very inconvenient in the moment to drive twenty minutes further, but as time goes on, that twenty minute investment could end up saving you a couple of hours or more.
So we know that an all-encompassing or umbrella-term like doctor houston or family physician houston won’t give you the results you need if you’re looking for any specialized health service. Often times a clinic will have one or two doctors in or near their facility that specialize in exactly the service you are in need of. It is very important that you give a call to your clinic and ask whether that is the case. This information may be on their website, but from personal experience, we’ve seen that most clinics’ websites fail to list the names and credentials of their doctors.
Of course, nothing beats a referral – and if you have a friend or family member who has gone to a certain clinic and received wonderful service, then maybe you don’t need to do any further research. It depends on how credible you think the person giving you the referral is, and whether you think the two of you have similar standards. If yes, great; if not, then at least you have a logically consistent, empirically verifiable methodology for determining which clinic will best meet your needs.
I have grown up in an age where most most of my peers were, and continue to be, incredibly skeptical of the government. They feel as though the men in power lie to their citizens time and time again in order to pursue their own agenda. Conspiracy theories abound in the minds of millennials, and they’re only going to grow.
Now I’m not one to jump the gun and say that they are all a bunch of loonies, but hey, life’s short – time is limited – and I cannot spend my entire life determining whether these conspiracies are true. Some are outright ridiculous, and can be thrown out right away. Others, not so much.
There is one new conspiracy, however, that is gaining all the buzz these days – and it happens to be about, of all things: vaccines.
Yes, apparently the government has decided to buy out your doctor!
Now we’re being facetious here; but unfortunately, humor and sarcasm cannot be used to refute an argument. It’ll take a bit more than an appeal to humor to dispel all these theories about how vaccines cause autism (just one of a slew of supposed vaccine reactions).
So what is it about vaccines that the conspiracy theorists are pointing to? Apparently, there is this theory that eugenicists are trying to sterilize the population as a way to reduce the number of people in the future. So where is their evidence?
That’s the thing. It’s shoddy. It’s not waterproof. People have mistakenly confused correlation with causation – assuming that just because there are links between two different phenomena, that one caused the other.
Apparently there was a Wakefield study that came out – fraudulently linking vaccines to the development of autism. This one study spread like wildfire and had half of the world raising an eyebrow about the need of vaccines. Of course, I’m no expert myself, but merely looking at history will invalidate the conspiracies that people are being injected with dangerous chemicals; a history that displays the successful prevention of smallpox, deadly flus and many other horrible illnesses with the help of vaccines.
For those who are still interested in getting vaccines, who see the value that they bring to the world, Doctors Clinic Houston is proud to offer immunization services to fellow Houstonians. Our commitment to offering the very best to our patients has helped us develop quite the following on the web – even ranking for high-end keywords like immunizations Houston and vaccination Houston. The market has spoken, and our doctors are confident that the services offered here at Doctors Clinic Houston are among the best in the county.
So come in when you can and make sure to get yourself and your family immunized. Often it’s worth it to defer gratification and take precautionary measures. In the immediate now, it may seem like an inconvenience, but believe us when we say it – you’ll totally regret not being proactive if you end up with some ungodly illness that’ll leave you bedridden for weeks. Vaccines are an insurance policy – and a relatively small price to pay, given how pernicious the recent illnesses of our age have been. And with the doctors we have at our disposal, the price you pay will be even smaller – both from a money and time standpoint.
Being sleepy might make you more prone to munching on junk food rather than snacking on nutritious vegetables.
Research published Aug. 6 in Nature Communications reveals that lack of sleep leads to brain changes that make it harder for us to make good decisions — and in turn make us more likely to give into some cravings.
“What we have discovered is that high-level brain regions required for complex judgments and decisions become blunted by a lack of sleep, while more primal brain structures that control motivation and desire are amplified,” study senior author Matthew Walker, a UC Berkeley professor of psychology and neuroscience, said in a press release.
Walker said that this means that high-calorie foods are more appealing because of the brain’s altered state.
The researchers looked at the brains of 23 healthy young adults after a normal night’s sleep and after a sleepless night. They measured brain activity in the subjects using an fMRI scan as the subjects looked at 80 different pictures of food that ranged from high to low-calorie, and healthy and to junk food. Items included burgers, pizza, doughnuts, strawberries, apples and carrots.
The subjects were also asked to rate how much they wanted to eat the particular food. After the experiment, they were given the item they wanted the most.
The researchers discovered that lack of sleep negatively affected the brain’s frontal lobe, which is a region in charge of decision-making processes. Sleepiness also increased the activity in the deeper centers of the brain that are involved in reward pathways.
When junk foods like pizza were put in front of sleep-deprived subjects along with leafy whole grains, they eagerly picked the greasier path. However, they were capable of making better choices after a good night’s rest.
“These results shed light on how the brain becomes impaired by sleep deprivation, leading to the selection of more unhealthy foods and, ultimately, higher rates of obesity,” lead author Stephanie Greer, a doctoral student in Walker’s Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory, said in a press release.
Recent research in the America Journal of Clinical Nutrition also suggests that junk foods full of processed carbohydrates like cakes, cookies and chips may affect pleasure centers in the brain more than other foods, causing people to crave them and overeat.
Dr. Laurent Brondel, from the department of physiology at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France, added to New Scientist that the study’s results may link back to our evolutionary roots.
Brondel, who was not involved in the study, explained that longer summer days, especially in high altitudes, make it harder to sleep, which means that people would spend more time awake and eating. This would help them get through shorter days during winter when food was not as available.
Dr. Kenneth P. Wright Jr., director of the sleep and chronobiology lab at the University of Colorado at Boulder, told the New York Times that the study might explain why people make bad food choices when they are tired and eat more when they are exhausted.
“There’s something that changes in our brain when we’re sleepy that’s irrespective of how much energy we need,” Wright, who was not involved in the study, said. “The brain wants more even when the energy need has been fulfilled.”
In addition to getting sufficient sleep, you may want to try eating before buying food in order to make healthier choices. A separate study published May in JAMA Internal Medicine revealed that shopping on an empty stomach makes people more likely to buy higher-calorie foods.
May is in full bloom and we are on our way to a marvelous summer! I’m sure your activity calendar is filling up quickly now that the kids are finishing school. Let Doctors Clinic Houston help keep you and your family healthy and informed this season.
Remember, summer time means more time spent outdoors and causes us to be more susceptible to allergies. Also, we want to keep the kiddos active and in shape over the break.
We’re bringing you ideas on how to mix it up with family and fun but also healthy activities. Keep up with our seasonal health concerns, medical news, special clinic offers and community news and more by reading below.
Don’t forget to get yourself and skin summer ready through the many offers at The Skin Venus. What are you waiting for! Be sure to treat yourself or someone else to an fabulous medical spa experience, located in our SouthWest clinic.
Start a medical spa package to help you feel radiant this summer!
See our latest clinic offers, health updates, medical community news and more in this month’s outreach newsletter. Hopefully this information is helpful to you on your health journey.
Don’t forget to read on our blog for all the latest medical news and useful information!
As always, our mission is to provide high-quality, affordable and accessible healthcare. With six convenient offices located in the greater area, we are helping heal Houston one patient at a time, inside and out with old-fashion care with modern day service and technology. As always, we thank you for choosing Doctors Clinic Houston for all of your healthcare needs. Remember to like us out on FaceBook and visit online to book appointments.
Doctors Clinic Houston
Chiropractic Care
Our approach involves following basic orthopedic care as well as conservative care within a manageable time frame to get your spinal, neck or other area’s health back in order. We are happy to assist in:
Establishing Goals
Diagnostic Testing
Surgery and/or Therapy
Post-Operative Management
One option we offer …
Diskectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the damaged portion of a herniated disk in your spine. A herniated disk can irritate or compress nearby nerves and cause pain, numbness or weakness. These symptoms can affect your neck or back or may radiate down your arms or legs.
Diskectomy works best on radiating symptoms. It’s less helpful for actual back pain or neck pain. Most people who have back pain or neck pain find relief with more-conservative treatments, such as pain medications or physical therapy.
Your doctor may suggest diskectomy if conservative, nonsurgical treatments haven’t worked or if your symptoms worsen. There are several ways to perform a diskectomy. Many surgeons now prefer minimally invasive diskectomy, which uses small incisions and a tiny video camera for viewing.
You have trouble standing or walking because of nerve weakness
Conservative treatment, such as medication or physical therapy, fails to improve your symptoms after six weeks
A disk fragment lodges in your spinal canal, pressing on a nerve
Pain radiating into your buttocks, legs, arms or chest becomes too much to manage
Start feeling yourself again!
See a complete list of the various treatments below that we can offer to you after a comprehensive diagnosis.
Weight Loss Program Services
Are you overweight and looking to shed some of that extra fat? Doctors Clinic Houston has developed an effective diet and exercise program to help you shed an unprecedented amount of weight. It will take sacrifice and hard work, but in the long run, we guarantee you that you will be grateful for having made the commitment.
Experience a personalized medical approach to weight management. We currently offer weight loss programs varying in scope and are equipped to help you with your weight loss intentions. We are a medical facility with the latest in technology to assist patients feel and look the best they can and offer affordable pricing.
Maintaining a healthy weight for your body is one of the single most important things that you can do for your overall health. This is why the healthcare providers at Doctors Clinic Houston are committed to helping patients achieve and maintain healthy weight goals throughout the lifespan.
(includes doctor visit, all the tests and the supply of HCG for entire program)
Our Weight Loss Program
Each person’s body weight is a result of many complex factors including genes, metabolism, environment, culture, lifestyle, and behaviors. For this reason our providers work individually with each patient to create a personalized weight loss clinic plan based on their unique needs. We include:
Comprehensive and private medical evaluation to identify underlying causes of weight gain and determine the best treatment course available
Integration of natural supplements with traditional diet and exercise treatment modalities
Ongoing medical counseling and support from a qualified health professional
Weight and Your Health
As the second leading preventable cause of death, obesity is one of the most serious health problems our society is facing today. Being overweight or obese significantly raises ones risk for many diseases including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, stroke, liver disease, respiratory problems, arthritis, and infertility.
Are you overweight?
Medical professionals use a system called the Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine whether or not an individual is within a normal weight range for their height. People who maintain their weight within a normal BMI rage tend to live the longest and have the least amount of weight-related medical problems.
Normal Weight = BMI of 18.5-24.9
Overweight = BMI of 25-29.9
Obese = BMI of 30 or greater
Use the chart below to determine your BMI using your height and weight measurements and see if you qualify for the Medical Weight Loss Program!
Health Awareness
Are you looking to slim down for summer, but also looking for ways to eat without feeling deprived – time to get the dish on carbs!
Good carbs? There Are Options…
The trick is timing, and to eat 100 percent whole grains in the morning, and not after.
Healthy Ideas:
Lox and avocado
A big sandwich
Shrimp salad there are options!
“A lot of carbs are processed carbs – they are refined, and then they turn into sugar in your bloodstream,” says Jackie London, the nutrition director at Good Housekeeping. What we want to do is balance our blood sugar – the first thing to do? And don’t skip breakfast.
Healthy Clusters example: from Kind Snacks
not granola which is full of fat and calories
Lox on a bagel with a schmear and avocado.
Have whole wheat bagel “thins”
The weight loss sandwich:
Ingredients include:
Sriracha Hummus
Quarter of an avocado
Two Dinner Ideas:
Pork tenderloin with swiss chard and sweet potatoes
Lentil shrimp salad with mango chutney
Lentils are high in fiber and are filling
The shrimp is also high protein.
Overall, the goal is to fill up on lentils, beans and vegetables.
Make sure fruits and vegetables are a majority of your plate.
As you size up all of the food, the goal is to remember that timing, small portions, and the whole wheat rule will add up as you size down.
Source: ABC 13 HealthCheck
Houston Health Concern
We’re tackling something that will make your skin crawl. Houston is one of the top cities in the country carrying the crawling critters. Apparently there’s been an infestation of bed bugs in the city. Particularly in apartment homes.
We’ve learned what to look for and how to prevent the problem from spreading. Read below:
ABC Home & Commercial Services owner Raleigh Jenkins says many people use chemicals, but that doesn’t necessarily kill them all. There’s only one solution for that: heat.
“They will not have a resistance to the heat,” says Jenkins. “When the heat gets to 120 degrees, 100 percent kill will happen.”
ABC even has a specially trained dog named Frisbee. He smells the pheromones of bed bugs and confirms if you have a bad case.
How Do You Get Bed Bugs
Bed bugs get into apartments and homes basically by hitchhiking on your stuff. So when you take your summer vacation, there are things you can do when in a hotel to help cut down the chances of bringing home those unwanted souvenirs.
Travel Tip:
When you get into your room, don’t lay your suitcase on the carpet. Put in on a luggage rack. Doing so makes it harder for bed bugs to get into your suitcase.
Bed Bugs in Your Home
Bed bugs, once they are in your home, are hard to get rid of. Heating treatment and follow up visits can run as much as $1,200 dollars.There are some cheap ideas to get rid of bed bugs before they take over where you live. If you’re worried they might hop a ride on you, throw everything you’re wearing in the dryer and put it on high heat. Also, use a hairdryer on bags and suitcases to kill any that might be clinging on.
Inspect your room.
Bed bugs like warm, dark places.
Start by pulling down the sheets and blankets.
Pay particular attention to the white edging around the mattress as it’s a good place to spot them.
Bed bugs look like apple seeds and they leave little stains behind.
Check around the headboard; it’s a good hiding spot. Behind the nightstand and in the dresser drawers, too.
Source: KHOU Local Health
Is Your Child Healthy?
Chances are your kids aren’t getting enough exercise — even your youngest ones.
Researchers monitored kids at 10 preschools. They found the children were only exercising about 12-percent of the time. The rest of their day was spent napping, eating, or generally being inactive.
The CDC recommends kids get at least one hour of daily exercise. The researchers point out plenty of exercise at a young age is essential for a child’s development and for preventing obesity.
Parenting Discussion
Was parenting easier forty years ago?
Mom’s in the new millennium, dream about the idea of parenting in a world where streets are safe and parents can let their children run freely through the neighborhood, their bodies naturally challenged with the exercise of play.
Instead today, before the slam of the car door fades and the backpack drops on the floor, the TV is switched on and the last few hours of daylight disappear in a haze of video games and over processed snack foods.
Even the concerned, well-meaning parent can often stand helpless, wondering how to compete against marketing genius and instant gratification. Exercise and carrot sticks have a hard time competing with Xboxes, SpongeBob and potato chips.
The proof is all around us. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the health of too many North Americans is in danger because of unhealthy lifestyles.
The latest data from the National Center for Health Statistics show that 30 percent of U.S. adults 20 years of age and older – over 60 million people – are obese. The CDC reports the percentage of young people who are overweight has more than tripled since 1980.
My kids aren’t obese – why should I be concerned?
Your kids are normal, right? You are parenting just fine. But in a world where walking is limited, school P.E. programs are being cut, and cars, elevators and buses eliminate our chance to exercise naturally, we need to make a concerted effort to make physical activity part of our day and our children’s days.
Despite all the benefits of being physically active, most Americans are sedentary. Inactive children are likely to become inactive adults.
So as parents how can we get our kids moving?
“The American Heart Association recommends that children and adolescents participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.” The great news is exercise comes in many forms and can be a lot of fun! With a little creativity you can easily add some fun physical activity into your parenting style.
Lead the way. You need to set a good example. Kids, especially younger children, naturally follow their parents. So make sure you are looking after your ownhealth and making physical activity a priority in your life.
Do it together. In today’s overscheduled world, we need to make sure we are spending quality time with our children. What better way than to be active together. Since kids can’t be alone roaming the neighborhood, parents need to play with them.
Make it fun. Put on some music and dance. Play tag. Roller blade. Basically just play. Provide them with toys and equipment that encourage them to be active while having fun. Bikes, scooters, hockey sticks and baseball bats will get your kids moving and active. For preschool children, ride on toys that get them exercising like pedal cars, big wheels and tricycles are always a great parenting decision.
Cheer them on. Create positive reinforcements with encouragement and support. Help them find sports and activities that build their self esteem. Attend their sporting events and let them know you are their biggest fan whether they win or lose.
Turn it off. Of course, we need to limit the time our kids watch TV and play video games. But make sure you do it in a positive way. If they are angry that you just turned off their favorite show, they might not be too excited about going out rollerblading with you. Allow screen time during designated hours, preferably after homework is done and when physical activity is finished, like in the evening or on Saturday morning when tired parents might need to catch a few extra minutes of sleep.
Adding more physical activity into your family’s routine will help you all feel better and get you having more fun together. Most importantly, as you model a healthy lifestyle you will help instill in your children lifelong habits and healthy attitudes toward exercise and physical activity.
Source: Parenting Today CDI
Allergy Season
It is the time of year where season changes can cause flare ups in allergies and asthma. Adults and children can be very susceptible to seasonal allergies during this time due to all of that pollen floating around.
If your child always seems to get sick around this time and during the fall, then seasonal allergies may be the cause of the problem.
Watch their pattern of symptoms such as worse symptoms in the morning that improve during the day. Symptoms could include things such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, and sniffling.
Irritants and trigger allergies and asthma
House dust
animal exposures
indoor pollutants
Cut down on the severity of symptoms
Dusting and sweeping often can
Changing clothes after a trip outside could also help.
If your child is doing an extreme activity, it could induce symptoms.
Encourage and enforce your child to wash their hands thoroughly often.
A trip to the doctor’s office may really help to distinguish between a cold and allergies and also to see if your child may need prescribed medicine to relieve their symptoms.
At Doctors Clinic Houston, our quality physicians, nurses and support staff are ready to provide total, expert allergy treatment services to you and your entire family. We have convenient Houston Locations throughout the entire Houston area to serve you in your time of need.
By combining the latest technology, along with our years of experience, we are able to identify, assist and deliver treatments suitable to the individual needs of our patients.
Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
Itchy, watery eyes
Skin problems.
Frequent infections.
Feeling tired.
Feeling anxious.
Cannot sleep.
Digestive problems.
Mood swings.
Having trouble concentrating.
Muscle weakness.
Swollen joints.
Allergy treatments are of three types:
Prevention. Medication. Immunotherapy.
Allergy Report
See Houston allergy reports based on City of Houston finding for the current month.
THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015
COUNT /Cubic meter air
Healing Chiropractic Bed
The IntelliBED Special Offer
Many of your know that I have been recommending intelliBED for some time now. They’ve contacted us to let me know that in honor of May being National Sleep Month, they will be offering our patients a free Sleep Genius Speaker Set ($295 Value) if they purchase anytime during the month of May, in addition to the 10% discount when you purchase an intelliBED.
Sleep Genius is a sound-based sleep aid used nightly to gently train your brain into natural healthy sleep rhythms. Your ears hear soothing music, but your brain hears scientifically developed neurosensory sounds helping you get to sleep faster, sleep deeper and stay asleep longer, so you awake feeling refreshed. With over 1 million customers, Sleep Genius is the most scientifically advanced sleep program in the world, and was developed following their research helping NASA get astronauts to sleep in space. Sleep Genius is just another great tool, along with intelliBED, to help you achieve the best sleep and health of your life.
How well do you sleep?
Do you toss and turn?
Do you ever awaken with stiffness, soreness, numbness or pain?
If you don’t sleep well and the answer is yes to ANY of those other questions, very likely you need a new mattress. This is the same bed the physicians of Doctors Clinic Houston sleep on, so you know it’s good!
“There are few things more priceless than a great night’s sleep.”
We know many of you have trouble sleeping and most people don’t understand that their mattress has a big effect on quality of sleep. Also, the quality of our sleep can have a powerful effect on our overall health. After much consideration and research, below are the reasons why we recommend intelliBED over any other mattress.
This company has found a replacement material for foam to cushion the body called Intelli-Gel.
Intelli-Gel was created by engineers to provide the body with the most pressure relief possible and has been used to treat burn victims for decades.
My experience is that Intelli-Gel cushions better than any other mattress I have experienced, which reduces the amount you toss and turn, allowing you to stay in the deep healing stages of sleep longer.
It provides better alignment support than any other mattress I’ve looked at, which is necessary to hold adjustments.
Unlike beds that use a lot of foam, intelliBEDs provide consistent support and is guaranteed for 30 years. Who wouldn’t love not having to purchase a new bed every few years?
They don’t use any toxic materials in the build out of their beds or any chemical fire retardants, which I know is important to a lot of you.
As a reminder, you can receive a 10% discount for using mentioning my name or using our code plus IntelliBED offers a 60-day 100% money back guarantee, including free return shipping.
They prefer you to call (888) 435-2339 so they can have their sleep advisers walk you through which intelliBED is best for you. You can also go online www.intellibed.com.
Doctor’s Clinic Houston has taken the time to research the major mattress retail products and has identified intelliBED as the first true medical-grade sleep surface available for home use. By using co-polymer intelli-Gel® in place of foam, intelliBED provides superior comfort and support without harmful off-gassing and they wear 2-3 times better than any of the foam mattresses. Deep, healing sleep is fundamental to your health.
If you have questions about the quality of your sleep or want to experience the materials in person make an appointment at one of our clinics!
We welcome you to Skin Venus where state-of-the-art medical grade technology merges with elegance, offering an unforgettable skin revitalization experience. We invite you to explore our complete menu of skin care services that will further enhance your innermost beauty and outermost expressions.
Discover all The Skin Venus has to offer this year and take advantage of our top quality medical spa services as affordable pricing. We can help you feel beautiful inside and out!
Choose From Glo Minerals, Clarisonic & OBAJI Make Up Gift Sets Sold Here!
There are two main reasons why the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has become so overwhelmingly rife. The first has to do with the travel patterns of bats across the African continent; the second, recent weather patterns in the region. Informing oneself with the origins of the Ebola virus, where it started, to where it spread to, and so on, is important and definitely time well spent. The said knowledge can in turn provide the necessary information to develop an antidote. However, because we are still in the early stages of fact gathering, any expectation to come up with a cure right away would be impetuous and not in accordance with reason. For now, we can only share with the world the little information we have gathered, and that information mainly has to do with the history of the virus. Our doctors at Doctors Clinic Houston are putting in extra hours to find out what can be done to obviate any potential Ebola outbreaks.
The Ebola outbreak started out in Guinea, and, shortly after its emergence, spread to the neighboring countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Sadly, an incredibly dangerous virus has emerged in the region of the world that is arguably the least prepared for it.
The Ebola virus has five species, and each has resulted in outbreaks in different regions. Experts were absolutely shocked to discover that the most noxious Ebola virus of all wasn’t the one that originated in Guinea, but the one that originated in Zaire. This Zaire Ebola virus is the culprit that is even striking fear into the eyes of those in the western world. It has killed up to 90 percent of those infected with it. And it is showing absolutely no signs of slowing down.
For now, all we can do is continue our research – assiduously and with a commitment to reason and evidence.
Leaky gut syndrome is one of those insidious ailments affecting millions of people around the world. Our Doctors Clinic uses the term insidious because the majority of individuals suffering from this debilitating problem are totally unaware that they have it. From the sound of it, you may think that leaky gut syndrome only affects the gut, but the reality is that what starts out as a gut problem ends up doing a great deal of damage elsewhere in the body.
Think of the lining of your digestive tract like a net with extremely small holes in it – allowing only a select few substances to pass through it. Your gut lining acts as a barrier that keeps out harmful substances. When it erodes, those harmful substances pass through and do a great deal of damage to your body. The image below does a brilliant job of describing exactly what happens when one has a leaky gut.
Looks scary, doesn’t it? Well, there’s no need to worry. There is a way to treat this issue, and you can return to great health. It just takes time, and a great deal of effort on your part to eat the correct foods and avoid the bad foods. Our doctors at Doctors Clinic Houston are going to go the full 10 yards to give you all the information you need to end the leaky gut madness.
Before we talk about the treatment, let’s focus on the symptoms. If you don’t have any of these symptoms, then the chances that you have leaky gut are infinitesimal. If you do, then its best that you become not only more vigilant, but more proactive in finding out what is wrong. The inimitable Ayn Rand once said, “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” That is the mentality you need to accept and live by, if you want to combat this incredibly destructive health issue. You need to fight tooth and nail to get rid of it. And if that means reading this entire article, and then looking into the problem for another 4 or 5 hours, then it’ll definitely be worth the time.
The symptoms for leaky gut are the following:
Thyroid conditions
Joint pain
Skin issues like rosacea and acne
Digestive problems
Brain Fog
What Causes Leaky Gut?
The four main causes of leaky gut which include:
Poor diet
Chronic stress
Toxin overload
Bacterial imbalance
There are other causes, but these cover the most common ones. Finding out that you have leaky gut is scary, but knowing what causes can be its own anodyne, for you know that there is a cure!
The 4-Step Plan to Heal Leaky Gut
REMOVE foods and factors that damage the gut
REPLACE with healing foods
REPAIR with specific supplements
REBALANCE with probiotics
The foods you need to eat are the following:
Bone Broth
Raw Cultured Dairy
Fermented Vegetables
Coconut Products
Flaxseeds and Hempseeds
Eat these foods and you will well be on your way to recovering from such a pernicious health issue.
We tend to think that only the youth and virile need to lift weights and build muscle. We think that it’s what you need to do to look good. But we forget about how important strength training is to maintain a healthy heart and strong bones. Obviously, strength training strengthens the muscles – the biceps, the triceps, quads, and so on. Everyone knows that. But it does more than just help with muscle tone. It helps prevent osteoporosis and it also keeps the heart strong and running optimally. For this reason, our Houston doctors beseech the elderly to commit to a regular weight training routine.
The question arises: what kind of workout routine ought the elderly commit to? Low weight, high repetition workouts. On a daily basis. Contrary to popular belief, weight training becomes more important as one ages. It is incredibly important to keep in mind that by the time one reaches the age of seventy, his or her muscle mass will have decreased by twenty-five percent. A light walk around the park is not enough to make up for this degree of weakening. Rebuilding muscle is imperative to prevent injuries. And, as we mentioned, starting off with light weights, wherein one can do 20 or more repetitions, will be of great benefit.
Loss of bone mass is a common sign of aging. Weight bearing exercise, like resistance or strength training, can greatly combat brittle bone formation, even reversing the damage that has already been done. Put great emphasis on strengthening your legs, as without strong legs, your mobility will greatly be hampered. Our doctors at Doctors Clinic Houston highly recommend the following workout routine, on a daily basis. Start with the upper body and then move to the lower body. If you cannot do all of the workouts every day, aim to do them at least every other day. You will not get the necessary benefits of working out if you only do so sporadically.
Chest Press: minimum 20 reps
Bicep Curl: minimum 20 reps
Overhead Press: minimum 20 reps
Leg Press: minimum 20 reps
Core Exercises: until exhaustion
Ideally, you want to do each exercise until exhaustion. If you can go beyond 20 repetitions, then do not stop. Continue until you can no longer do another rep. That is the best way to build muscle – when you create tiny microtears in the muscle, provoking them to rebuild even stronger than before.
For the individuals who think physical exercise takes time away from mental exercise (reading, writing, and so on), studies have shown that exercise improves mental clarity, making a person’s mind both sharper and more focused. Think of physical exercise as an investment to not only keep your muscles, bones, and heart strong but your brain as well. Your body and brain will thank you for choosing to strength train.
Sleep. It’s something we’ve been doing all our lives, since time immemorial. Babies do it, those in dotage do it, as well as everybody else in between. Despite all this, very little is known about sleep. It is one of the great mysteries of life.
However, there is one thing that we do know about sleep: good sleep is one of the cornerstones of health.
Interrupted sleep can cause a bevy of problems, including:
a dramatically weakened immune system
accelerated tumor growth – studies show that tumors grow up to 5 times faster in lab animals with severe sleep dysfunctions
a pre-diabetic state wherein you always feel hungry despite having eaten already
an impaired memory and decrease in cognitive abilities
Impaired sleep can also cause:
Heart diseases
Stomach problems – including ulcers
There’s more. Sleep deprivation results in premature aging, and it does this by interfering with one’s growth hormone production, which is supposed to be done by the pituitary gland as one sleeps. A study has revealed that individuals with chronic insomnia are 3 times more likely of dying from any cause.
Optimizing Sleep
In order to help you fight insomnia, you can do a few things to reverse your condition. Our doctors clinic has compiled a list below:
Make sure to sleep in darkness. Even a little light in the room can cause a disruption in one’s sleeping pattern. Your internal clock has a difficult time adapting to brightly lit rooms at night.
Maintain a temperature of no more than seventy degrees F. When you are asleep, your organ’s internal temperature drops to a very low level, typically 4 hours into it. Scientific studies have revealed that a cooler abode and a cooler bedroom is most conducive to sleep, as it emulates your body’s natural temperature drop.
Reduce EMF exposure. Some doctors claim that EMF negatively affects one’s health. The studies have not been definitive, and so, we cannot make that claim ourselves. However, there is evidence to show that EMF can disrupt sleeping patterns.
Don’t use noisy, blaring alarm clocks. It is very bad for you to be jolted awake all of a sudden. Loud alarm clocks result in just that. Make sure to avoid this. Our Houston doctors clinic beseeches all to not shock your body with these blaring bells.
Use the bed for sleeping only. If you generally watch televeision while you’re laying in bed, you will find it much more difficult to fall asleep. That is because you are tricking your body into making it think that it is not supposed to sleep in the place where it is at. Television is indeed a passive activity, but not passive enough to help you fall asleep in bed.
Go to bed as early as you can. Your body tends to recharge between the time of 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. Typically, your gallbladder expunges toxins during this exact time period. You want it to do its work while you are sleeping, for it works more effectively when you are relaxed. Thus it is important to fall asleep earlier, and thus it is most beneficial for your health to do so.
Establish a routine. As human beings, we are systems oriented. We like patterns. Establishing a routine will make us feel comfortable. Comfort is necessary but not sufficient for a good night’s sleep.
Limit fluids before bedtime. A lot of people have to get up during the night to urinate. This isn’t a terrible thing, but it’d be most preferable to avoid said occurrence. Limit your fluids before you go to bed. It is best to not drink anything two hours before bedtime, but if you have to, if you are parched and need some fluids, drink no more than one cup within that time frame.
Eat some protein a few hours before you go to bed. The L-tryptophyan that you get from protein will optimize your melatonin and serotonin levels – both incredibly important for your well-being.
Snack on a piece of fruit. Experiment with this. It doesn’t work for all, but for most, it does. Bow down to reason and evidence. If it doesn’t work for you, don’t do it. If it does, please, do it as often as you can. Fruit can help tryptophan cross your blood-brain barrier.
Skip the grains before bed. Grains cause bloating. Bloating causes a great deal of discomfort, not to mention gas that nobody wants when in the sheets, particularly with a partner to one’s side. Skip beans and grains and sugar. You want to feel light and easy when you hop into bed.
Listen to relaxation CDs. This goes against the advice to avoid EMF exposure. For those who aren’t as sensitive to EMF, this may help. You want to feel soothed before bed. Relaxing music can do that for you.
Journal before bed. Contrary to popular opinion, journaling is an incredibly challenging activity. It takes a lot of brain power. Introspection and reflection are skills that need to be honed. Honing skills takes time and effort. The effort can result in one feeling tired and exhausted – a great state to be in when you want to fall asleep.
Avoid caffeine. This one could arguably be at the top of the list, but because it is so obvious, we thought to include some of the less known pieces of advice first. Caffeine energizes an individual and, obviously, you don’t want to be energized before bed.
Exercise regularly. Exercising for at least half an hour every single day can dramatically improve one’s sleep. You don’t want to actively suppress your own needs and preferences. If you have a need for good sleep, then it is important to invest those thirty minutes of your time to improve your chances of good sleep.
Avoid alcohol like the plague.
Or any drug for that matter. You don’t want to throw your system into shock with noxious substances.
This list was meant to be illustrative, not complete. Scientists and doctors are gaining more and more knowledge about sleep and how to optimize sleep. Stay tuned for more advice on how to combat insomnia.
It has become common knowledge that the consumption of vitamin D3 is incredibly important for the health of one’s bones.
For the past 8 years, research has continually showed that the moer vitamin D an individual took, the less likely it was for that individual to develop any of the serious chronic diseases, like cancer, heart disease, or multiple sclerosis. And now, the studies have discovered that vitamin D3 also helps improve eyesight problems as a result of aging.
Great for the Eyes
The majority of people think of vitamin A when they think of the vitamin that is good for the eyes. They may also think of beta carotene, for that is another nutrient which helps improve eyesight to some extent.
However, recent studies have discovered that vitamin D is even more important than both vitamin A and beta carotene combined. A bunch of studies were done on mice and the effects vitamin D3 had on their vision. After just siz weeks of vitamin D3 supplementation, the improvements were as follows:
improved vision
a decrease in retinal inflammation
a decrease in the levels of amyloid beta accumulation
massive reductions in the quantity of retinal macrophage
These discoveries are proof that vitamin D3 may indeed help prevent age-related macular degeneration, by far the most common cause of blindness in the elderly. AMD is also considered to be related to amyloid beta accumulation and inflammation. Fortunately, vitamin D can help reduce the damage done by both of these conditions.
A List of Other Things That’ll Improve Eye Health
Making sure to keep the eyes in optimal condition as you get older takes a lot of work, but is definitely necessary work. It’s not just about taking in one nutrient and assuming that you’ll be okay forever. A comprehensive strategy is more likely going to help one maintain his or her eye health. This strategy include:
Optimize vitamin D levels. By far, the best way to get your vitamin D is by exposing yourself to the sun. If you live in a place where there isn’t enough sun, or if you just don’t have the time to get under the sun, a vitamin D3 supplement can and should be taken.
Pay attention and take care of your cardiovascular system. High blood pressure can be damaging to the blood vessels in the retina, which will subsequently restric the amount of free blood flow to the eye. Avoiding fructose is another must, for it restricts blood flow.
Normalize blood sugar. Too much sugar in the blood will eventually reduce fluid from the lens of the eye, affecting one’s ability to focus in on one particular thing. It also is notorious for damaging the blood vessels in the retina, definitely something that nobody would want if eye health is of any importance.
Eat plenty of fresh, dark green, leafy veggies. Kale is among the most important vegetables you can get your hands on, but all the dark green, leafy vegetables greatly improve eye health. Making sure to get at the very minimum, 3 servings of dark vegetables per day, will go a long way toward reversing eye damage.
Omega-3 fats are a must. Omega-3 fatty acids will dramatically reduce the inflammation in the eye. This increases blood flow to the eye and thus makes it easier for one to focus on any given object in line of sight.
Avoid trans fats like the plague. Unlike saturated fats, which are healthy, trans fats are incredibly unhealthy. They clog arteries and increase inflammation. They are bad for your brain, your blood vessels, and even your eyes. Avoiding them like the plague is a must if one wants to optimize his or her eye health.
Stop smoking. Smoking dramatically increases free radical-production throughout the body, putting one at risk for less-than-sufficient health in a great many way. Poor eye vision is just one of the negative effects that result from smoking.
As you can see, it is not just vitamin D3 that is responsible for maintaining a healthy pair of eyes. But nonetheless, the benefits that come from taking in more vitamin D3 are legion. Making sure to have at least 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 is enough to keep the eyes working properly. The older one gets, the more D3 one needs. As long as one is exposed to enough sunlight, preferably until the skin turns a slight shade of pink, they have gotten their necessary daily dose of vitamin D3. Just make sure you incorporate foods and supplements rich in vitamin D3, and you won’t have to worry about a rapidly deteriorating vision.
It has been said that optimizing one’s vitamin D levels can prevent up to sixteen different types of cancer from growing and developing. Doctors Clinic’s doctors in Houston have already made explicit the degree to which cancers that affect organs such as the pancrease, ovaries, testicles, and skin begin to vitiate when vitamin D doses are greatly increased. Just recently, the professionals at Doctors Clinic have noticed that patients with breast cancer start feeling stronger and healthier when they take in over 5,000 IUs of vitamin D.
Vitamin D Decreases Risk of Cancer by Over Seventy Percent
Prevention is always preferable to treatment. And when it comes to cancer, things are absolutely no different. Certainly, a great many cancer survivors are alive and kicking in the world thanks to treatment methods such as chemotherapy and even Simpson oil; though no doctor recommends that you totally rely on even the most cutting-edge treatment methodologies. None of them are fail-safe, and for this reason, it is best to focus on prevention rather than cure. A study in 2007 has shown that just raising one’s serum levels to forty ng/ml is enough to obviate the most acute forms of cancer – and breast cancer in particular.
What is most surprising of all, even to some of the most seasoned health and nutrition professionals around, is that raising one’s serum levels to forty ng/ml is not that difficult at all. It takes relatively little effort to get to said level, and fortunately, for women, it can be enough to keep breast canncer away. Regarding this particular 2007 study, there was a seventy-five percent reduction of incidence of cancers after only 5 years – a remarkable feat and one that ought to be celebrated all across the globe.
Vitamin D Destroys Breast Cancer Cells
The illustrious Dr. Ced Garland – the man around town at UCSD, who has remained among the most esteemed professors at the university’s cancner center – has made a connection between Vitamin D definiciency and the development of cancer. Mr. Ced says that in practically every single case for patients with breast cancer, there is a lack of vitamin D, which affects the structure of the all important epithelial cells. Essentially, these particular cells stick to one another by a sticky substance known as E-cadherin. E-cadherin provides structure to the cell. And we all know that withotu structure, nothing can be sustenable for any great length of time – whether we’re talking about man-made structures like buildings and skyscrapers or biological and natural phenomena at the cellular level. E-cadherin is mostly composed of vitamin D and calcium.
Without adequate vitamin D, that particular structure begins to call apart, and those cells do what they are programmed to do in order to survive – multiply. If this growth process spirals out of control, what results is cancer.
Daily Doses
Houston doctors recommend a daily dose of 8,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day. It is important to stress that we are talking about D3, and not just vitamin D. Taking vitamin D3 is much safer than the synthetic D2 version, and going over the recommended dose of D3 per day doesn’t do as much harm as doing so with D2. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is important to also increase one’s intake of vitamin K2. Without vitamin K2, vitamin D can calcify, resulting in clogged arteries. Overall, though, it is an imperative to get one’s vitamin D levels checked. Doctors Clinic Houston offers extensive vitamin deficiency testing. A minor investment of time in choosing to get one’s blood taken and tested can go a long way toward understanding what the body is lacking and what it needs in order to optimize health.
Green tea is without question among the healthiest beverages to date, with research displaying impressive health benefits not only for one’s heart, but for one’s bones, weight, vision, and even one’s brain. Anyone with an interest in improving his or her health, and specifically his or her brain health, green tea is definitely worth a consideration.
Green Tea Improves Brain Health
According to the Mercola Natural Health Center, an individual highly regarded in the eyes of Doctors Clinic Houston, a recent study of twelve virile volunteers, the participants receiving a beverage that contained just under 28 grams of green tea extract displayed an increased connectivity between the parietal and frontal cortex of the brain compared to those who drank a non-green tea beverage.
Researchers suggest that one’s cognitive functioning is strengthened if people consume pure green tea extract. And that is by far among the great benefits of tea – if you don’t particularly like it for its taste (or if you only drink it once in a blue moon), you can still get the health benefits by consuming it in supplemental extract form.
The Many Other Health Benefits of green Tea
It is not just your brain that gets these wondrous benefits from green tea. Below is a list of the other ways green tea improves ones health.
The Reduction Mortality; Chronic Inflammation
Empirical studies indicate that people who drink green tea also tend to live longer. Hear problems are reduced drastically. Research also makes the case that there are holistic benefits to consuming this wondrous herb, which include a lowering of blood pressure and chronic inflammation.
Heart Health
Dr. Mercola, health expert and founder of the Natural Health Center, states that green tea contributes to an improvement of blood flow and to the ability of one’s arteries to relax. In order to get these benefits, research suggests that a couple of cups of green tea each day may help prevent heart disease. Nowadays, just about every Houston doctor recommends a cup of green tea each day or so.
Type-2 Diabetes
A single study showed that people who consume around seven cups of green tea daily had a 29% lower risk of developing type two diabetes than individuals who consumed less than a single cup per week.
Vision Health
Catechins in green tea can also protect you against eye problems like glaucoma. Research has disinterred the fact that the compounds travel from your digestive system to the tissues of your eyes. During the study, the catechins found in green tea were absorbed into various parts of the eyes anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours after rats were given tea.
Green tea components show a tendency to downregulate the expression of proteins involved in inflammation, cell signalization, cell motility, and angiogenesis, while an association between green tea intake and decreased risk of cancers (including ovarian and breast) has been reported.
Theories connecting vitamin D deficiency to a number of cancers have not only been tested, but established as correct, in over 250 epidemiological studies. A grasping of its foundation from a physiological standpoint has stemmed from over two thousand lab studies, as stated by doctor Ced Garland, who is also a professor at the medicinal department of UCSD. Presented below are a few of the salient points that establish the need for greater vitamin D intake:
Some 610,000 instances of breast & colon cancers could have been stopped every year had vitamin D levels been upped world-wide. This is only taking account of the number of deaths for 2 kinds of cancer!
When you optimize vitamin D levels, that can actually help you to stop at least a whopping sixteen different kinds of cancer, some of which include: cancer of the pancrease, the lungs, the ovaries, the prostate, and skin cancers.
A massive study on vitamin D & cancer indicated that vitamin D can slash one’s risk of getting cancer by up to 60%! When this came out, it became such groundbreaking news that the Canadian Cancer Society had actually told everyone that taking more vitamin D was the cure for cancer.
According to the Mercola archives, Doctor Bill Grant’s study showed that close to 30% of cancer-related deaths – which amounts to 2,000,000 all over the world and 235,000 in America – could be stopped every single year with greater vitamin D intake.
According to the Mercola archives, Vitamin D protects against cancer in a great many ways:
It can cause cells with some sort of a mutation to self-destruct
Cause cells the unhealthy cells to actually begin to appear different from the healthy noes (a great many cancer cells are hard to spot out, because they don’t look abnormal)
Reduce the growth of newer blood vessels from ones that already exist – a step in the transition of dormant tumors that turn malignant
Getting past cancer, researchers have pointed out that increasing levels of vitamin D3 could prevent other chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives throughout the world each year! Vitamin D also fights colds and the flu, as it modulates and improves the expression of genes that foment your immune system to defeat deadly pathogens. In fact, it is very rare for someone with optimized vitamin D levels to come down with the flu.
A Great Many Are Vitamin D Deficient
In winter time in the US, the typical vitamin D levels is only at about 15-18 ng/ml, an extremely serious deficiency state. Additionally, it is thought more than a whopping 95 percent of senior citizens in America may be vitamin D deficient. That’s not the only whopping statistic: 85 percent of the American public is considered vitamin D deficient as well! Further, the Mercola archives claim that:
Being deficient in vitamn D is a major problem in adults, young or old, with darker skin, like folks whose progenitors are Africans, the Middle Easterners, or Indians, who constantly wear sunscreen, or who don’t partake in very many outdoor activities.
Black people and other people with darker skin, and also the folks residing in northern latitudes make much less vitamin D than other groups.
Sixty-five percent of people with type-2 diabetes have vitamin D deficiency.
Studies made clear that very low levels of vitamin D has become an epidemic among young kids, the old, and vast majority of the female population.
A study done in America revealed that almost one in two black women of fourteen and up may have a vitamin D deficiency.